Making your own pumpkin puree


It’s easier than you would think!


1 x pumpkin

That’s it.

Optional flavours include pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves.


Take your pumpkin, cut the top off around the stalk. Cut into slices or quarters depending on the size. Scoop out the seeds (you can turn them into delicious roasted pumpkin seeds for snacking).

Place the slices skin side down onto a baking tray, feel free to drizzle with oil and seasoning at this stage. You can always add it later.

Bake in the oven for around 1 hour at 350f/185c/gas 4 until the flesh of the pumpkin is soft and mushy. Don’t worry if it has gone a bit dry at the ends, you will be blending it all later.

Take the (hot!) pumpkin slices out the oven and leave to cool enough so you can pick them up without shouting OUCH!

Using a spoon, gently scrape the flesh off the skin. It should be easy at this point. I found myself getting super messy while tearing it off as I just went in with my hands because I am like that.

Put all the flesh into the blender and blend until smooth. You can add your flavours at this point if you haven’t already. Blend in.

Store in the fridge until it is time to use. You can use this for pies, cookies, breads, whatever else you want to use it for.

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