When Jess came to Florida

This is a story about Jess.

Jess and I met on TikTok when I stumbled upon her videos from C2E2 in 2019. She happened to be dressed as Starlord, and I happened to remember that she was sat in front of me during a panel discussion. I got excited and decided I should say hello. We have met in person and had some donuts and have continued our random friendship through the medium of social, and reuniting once again at C2E2 this year.

This story begins like I am slightly stalking her, and continues in a similar way. I don’t really know why I have decided to do this, but I did and it’s here. Jess, this story is for you- not stalking you, just thought it would be fun to take you on vacation with me as a picture.

Here is a picture gallery of Jess at Universal, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom. Again, I have no reason as to why I did this and its probably weird. shrug Oh well.

From Colin


Baking for Bookclub


Love Spiral Cupcake